Hidden Safari

 Description: For this lesson we had a short presentation about an artist that was known for creating jungle scenes. We then worked on creating our red glasses first with construction paper and see through red plastic. Then we moved onto drawing an animal by flipping a picture of an animal upside and draw by only looking at the lines rather than the picture as a whole. We drew the picture in blue but then used warm colors such as red, orange, and yellow to cover the picture with various patterns. Once this was completed, we put on our red glasses and were able to see the blue picture underneath. 

Extension: This activity could be used for a class wide scavenger hunt. Students would have to draw various shapes in blue on their paper. I would then have the student hide their shapes with patterns created by yellow, orange and red crayons. We would then set these pictures around the room and students would have to use their red glasses to find each shape. 


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